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日期:2021-04-08 作者: 编辑:qinlin 点击数:
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Mn2+−Mn2+ Magnetic Coupling Effect on Photoluminescence Revealed by Photomagnetism in CsMnCl3 Xinglu Zhu(),Suqian Meng(),Yifei Zhao(),Shuai Zhang(),张弜(),尹从岭,叶柿() Xinglu Zhu 张弜(),尹从岭,叶柿() J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 2020-10-30 SCI,一区TOP
Ultrahigh Energy Storage Characteristics of Sodium Niobate-Based Ceramics by Introducing a Local Random Field 庞飞鸿(),陈秀丽,孙聪聪(),史军鹏(),黎旭(),陈红云(),董晓燕(),周焕福 庞飞鸿 陈秀丽,周焕福 ACS SUSTAINABLE CHEMISTRY & ENGINEERING 2020-10-05 SCI,一区TOP
Spinel-olivine microwave dielectric ceramics with low sintering temperature and high quality factor for 5 GHz wi-fiantennas, 相怀成(),Joni Kilpijärvi(),Sami Myllymäki(),Haitao Yang(),方亮,Heli Jantunen() 相怀成 方亮,Heli Jantunen() Applied Materials Today, 21 (2020) 100826 2020-09-05 SCI,一区TOP
Low-temperature-poling awakened high dielectric breakdown strength and outstanding improvement of discharge energy density of (Pb,La)(Zr,Sn,Ti)O3 relaxor thin film 彭彪林(),唐斯林(),陆黎(),张琦(),黄海涛(),白刚(),苗磊(),邹冰所(),刘来君,孙文红(),王中林() 彭彪林 彭彪林(),孙文红(),王中林() Nano Energy 2020-07-20 SCI,一区TOP
In situ synchrotron radiation diffraction study of the Li+ de/intercalation behavior in spinel LiNi0.5Mn1.5O4-δ Wang Suning(),Weibo Hua(),周硕(),何霞凤(),刘来君 Wang Suning Weibo Hua(),刘来君 Chemical Engineering Journal 2020-06-18 SCI,一区TOP
A facile surface preservation strategy on the lithium anode for high performance Li-O2 batteries 罗志虹,朱广彬(),尹连琨(),李富杰(),Ben Bin Xu(),Laurent Dala(),Xiaoteng Liu(),罗鲲 罗志虹 Xiaoteng Liu(),罗鲲 ACS Applied Materials Interfaces 2020-05-21 SCI,一区TOP
Realizing ultrahigh recoverable energy density and superior charge-discharge performance in NaNbO3-based lead-free ceramics via a local random field strategy 史军鹏(),陈秀丽,黎旭(),孙杰(),孙聪聪(),庞飞鸿(),周焕福 史军鹏 陈秀丽 JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY C 2020-03-21 SCI,一区TOP
Oxygen accelerated scalable synthesis of highly fluorescent sulfur quantum dots 宋毅恒(),谭继算(),王冠(),高鹏翔(),雷捷豪(),周立 宋毅恒 周立 CHEMICAL SCIENCE 2020-01-21 SCI,一区TOP
Microfabrication Using Shape-Transforming Soft Materials Apsite, Indra(),Biswas, Arpan(),李裕琪,Ionov, Leonid() Apsite, Indra Ionov, Leonid() ADVANCED FUNCTIONAL MATERIALS 2020-01-13 SCI,一区TOP
Achieving ultrahigh energy storage density in NaNbO3-Bi(Ni0.5Zr0.5)O-3 solid solution by enhancing the breakdown electric field 陈红云(),陈秀丽,史军鹏(),孙聪聪(),董晓燕(),庞飞鸿(),周焕福 陈红云 陈秀丽 CERAMICS INTERNATIONAL 2020-12-15 SCI,一区
Facile synthesis of carboxymethyl cellulose sulfur quantum dots for live cell imaging and sensitive detection of Cr(VI) and ascorbic acid 段一星(),谭继算(),黄泽明(),邓巧妹(),刘斯佳(),王冠(),黎立贵(),周立 段一星 刘斯佳(),周立 CARBOHYDRATE POLYMERS 2020-12-01 SCI,一区
Superior thermal and frequency stability and decent fatigue endurance of high energy storage properties in NaNbO3-based lead-free ceramics 史军鹏(),陈秀丽,孙聪聪(),庞飞鸿(),陈红云(),董晓燕(),周贤杰(),王康国(),周焕福 史军鹏 陈秀丽,周焕福 CERAMICS INTERNATIONAL 2020-11-12 SCI,一区
Phase structure, sintering behaviour and microwave dielectric properties of Ln(2)MoO(6) (Ln = La and Y) ceramics 胡桑(),周焕福,周贤杰(),栾晓雯(),王康国(),陈秀丽 胡桑 周焕福 CERAMICS INTERNATIONAL 2020-10-08 SCI,一区
Enhancing the microwave dielectric performance of SrSm2Al2O7 ceramic by Sr2+ nonstoichiometry and sintering aid addition 栾晓文(),周焕福,张海林,胡桑(),周贤杰(),王康国(),陈秀丽 栾晓文 周焕福,张海林 JOURNAL OF THE EUROPEAN CERAMIC SOCIETY 2020-10-08 SCI,一区
A facile route for the fabrication of a superhydrophilic and underwater superoleophobic phosphorylated PVA-coated mesh for both oil/water immiscible mixture and emulsion separation 尤慧(),宋鸽(),刘启凡(),杨超,邱建辉(),臧利敏,刘徽(),陈久存() 尤慧 杨超,臧利敏 Applied Surface Science 2020-09-30 SCI,一区
High-performance textile electrode enhanced by surface modifications of fiberglass cloth with polypyrrole tentacles for flexible supercapacitors 刘启凡(),邱建辉(),杨超,臧利敏,张国宏(),境英一() 刘启凡 邱建辉(),臧利敏 International Journal of Energy Research 2020-08-17 SCI,一区
High relative permittivity Bi4B2+xO9+3x/2 (x=1.5, 2, 2.5, 3) microwave ceramics for ULTCC technology 王康国(),周焕福,周贤杰(),栾晓雯(),胡桑(),邓吉积(),李诗轩(),刘晓斌 王康国 周焕福 CERAMICS INTERNATIONAL 2020-06-15 SCI,一区
Crystal structure, Raman spectra and microwave dielectric properties of novel temperature-stable LiYbSiO4 ceramics 苏聪学,敖来远(),张志伟(),翟祎凡(),陈军奇(),唐莹,刘来君,方亮 苏聪学 苏聪学,方亮 Ceramics International 2020-05-15 SCI,一区
Effects of Mg and Sc additions on the microstructure and mechanical properties of Al–20Zn alloys 陈勇(),刘崇宇,张兵(),侯远飞(),徐峥峥() 陈勇 刘崇宇,张兵() Materials Characterization 2020-05-03 SCI,一区
Effect of strontium substitution on the structure and dielectric properties of unfilled tungsten bronze Ba4-xSrxSmFe0.5Nb9.5O30 ceramics 吴山(),孙朝中(),杨雄枫(),胡长征,刘来君,方亮 吴山 胡长征 Ceramics International 2020-05-01 SCI,一区
Electrical Properties and Oxide Ion Conducting Mechanism in Na-doped LaPO4 耿仕鹏(),Alberto J. Fernández-Carrión(),徐军古,易怀波(),吕云(),匡小军 耿仕鹏 徐军古,匡小军 Scripta Materialia 2020-03-17 SCI,一区
Novel lead-free ceramic capacitors with high energy density and fast discharge performance 黎旭(),陈秀丽,孙杰(),周明明(),周焕福 黎旭 陈秀丽,周焕福 CERAMICS INTERNATIONAL 2020-02-15 SCI,一区
Simultaneously achieving ultrahigh energy storage density and energy efficiency in barium titanate based ceramics 陈秀丽,黎旭(),孙杰(),孙聪聪(),史军鹏(),庞飞鸿(),周焕福 陈秀丽 陈秀丽 CERAMICS INTERNATIONAL 2020-02-15 SCI,一区
Synthesis, structure, and superconductivity of B-site doped perovskite bismuth lead oxide with indium 郑贤德(),张磊(),王小歌(),庆一国(),陈杰(),吴耀达(),邓思豪(),何伦华(),廖夫辉(),王艳(),耿金灵(),孙俊亮(),李国保(),刘来君,林建华() 刘来君 李国保(),刘来君,林建华() Inorganic Chemistry Frontiers 2020-01-01 SCI,一区
High-performance solid-state supercapacitors with designable patterns based on used newspaper 臧利敏,乔轩(),刘启凡(),杨超,胡磊(),杨军(),马子涵() 臧利敏 杨超 Cellulose 2020-01-01 SCI,一区
The study on martensite morphology in the stir zone and its influence to impact toughness during friction stir welding medium–Mn ultrahigh strength steel 崔洪波,卢悦(),谢广明(),骆宗安(),王春霞,F.B.Kabwe(),刘珍光(),唐鑫 崔洪波 崔洪波 Materials Science & Engineering A 2020-08-24 SCI
Significantly enhanced electrical properties in CaBi2Nb2O9-based high-temperature piezoelectric ceramics 龙长白(),王博(),任伟(),郑坤(),樊慧清(),王大威(),刘来君 龙长白 龙长白(),任伟(),刘来君 Applied Physical Letter 2020-07-20 SCI,二区Top
Correlation between glasses forming ability and density of states for the micro-alloying Al-based metallic glasses Yuanjun Zhang(),Hai Zhou(),Xiaohui Sun(),Yaning Liu(),Yong Wang(),Jingbao Lian(),王春霞,Nianchu Wu() Yuanjun Zhang Nianchu Wu() JOURNAL OF ALLOYS AND COMPOUNDS 2020-06-15 SCI,二区Top
Novel organophosphorus compound with amine groups towards self-extinguishing epoxy resins at low loading 赵鹏(),饶文辉,罗海强(),王亮(),刘远立,余传柏 赵鹏 饶文辉 Materials and Design 2020-06-02 SCI,二区Top
Precipitation behavior and mechanical properties of Al-Zn-Mg alloy with high Zn concentration 陈勇(),刘崇宇,张兵(),秦芳诚,侯远飞() 陈勇 刘崇宇,张兵() Journal of Alloys and Compounds 2020-05-03 SCI,二区Top
1-x)Li4WO5-xLiF: A novel oxyfluoride system and their microwave dielectric properties 校凯(),李纯纯,唐莹,田云飞(),尹长志(),陈军奇(),李洁,段炼,相怀成(),方亮 校凯 唐莹,方亮 Journal of Alloys and Compounds 2020-04-28 SCI,二区Top
Enhancing tribological, mechanical, and thermal properties of polyimide composites by the synergistic effect between graphene and ionic liquid 阮红,张秋(),廖伟强(),李裕琪,黄孝华,徐旭,陆绍荣 阮红 李裕琪,徐旭,陆绍荣 MATERIALS & DESIGN 2020-04-03 SCI,二区Top
Mechanical properties and corrosion resistance of the fine grain structure of Al–Zn–Mg–Sc alloys fabricated by friction stir processing and post-heat treatment 侯远飞(),刘崇宇,张兵(),韦莉莉,戴海桃(),马宗义() 侯远飞 刘崇宇,张兵() Materials Science and Engineering A 2020-03-21 SCI,二区Top
Monodispersed spherical Y2O3 and Y2O3: Eu3+ particles synthesized from modified homogeneous urea precipitation process, 赵云云(),张秀云(),李现(),鲁智远(),朱桂盛(),刘来君,许华瑞(),余爱冰() 赵云云 张秀云(),刘来君,许华瑞() Journal of Alloys and Compounds 2020-02-29 SCI,二区Top
High-performance all-solid-state supercapacitor based on activated carbon coated fiberglass cloth using asphalt as active binder 杨超,胡磊(),臧利敏,刘启凡(),邱建辉(),杨军(),乔轩() 杨超 臧利敏 Journal of The Electrochemical Society 2020-01-29 SCI,二区Top
Structure, luminescence and energy transfer of Eu2,3+/Tb3+ co-doped transparent glass ceramics containing a-Ca3(PO4)2 nanocrystals 丁文停(),张宇(),王波(),朱文凤,张瑞 丁文停 王波(),张瑞 Journal of Alloys and Compounds 2020-01-14 SCI,二区Top
Flexible polypyrrole@Fe2O3@stainless steel yarn composite electrode for symmetric thread-like supercapacitor with extended operating voltage window in Li2SO4-based aqueous electrolyte 左武升(),臧利敏,王雪(),刘启凡(),邱建辉(),梁春柳(),刘鑫(),杨超 左武升 臧利敏,杨超 Advanced Sustainable Systems 2020-11-12 SCI,二区
Mechanically robust, intrinsically self-healing crosslinked polymer enabled by dynamic urea bond exchange reaction 周忠群(),曾艳宁,余彩莉,陈海波(),张发爱 周忠群 张发爱 SMART MATERIALS AND STRUCTURES 2020-11-02 SCI,二区
Mechanically Stable Dynamic Urea Bond-Based Crosslinked Polymer Blend with Tunable Self-Healable and Physical Properties 周忠群(),陈深业(),李伟晨(),何俊杰(),余彩莉,张发爱 周忠群 张发爱 MACROMOLECULAR MATERIALS AND ENGINEERING 2020-11-01 SCI,二区
Novel Nanocellulose/Polymer Composite Aerogel as Solid-State Fluorescence Probe by Pickering Emulsion Route 李帅(),周昌兵(),贺莹莹(),刘红霞,周立,余传柏,韦春,王朝阳() 李帅 刘红霞,周立,余传柏,韦春,王朝阳() MACROMOLECULAR MATERIALS AND ENGINEERING 2020-09-17 SCI,二区
Facile synthesis of amphiphilic peach gum polysaccharide as a robust host for efficient encapsulation of methylene blue and methyl orange dyes from water 曾思华(),谭继算(),徐旭,黄孝华,周立 曾思华 徐旭,周立 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF BIOLOGICAL MACROMOLECULES 2020-07-01 SCI,二区
Corrosion resistance and biocompatibility of polydopamine/hyaluronic acid composite coating on AZ31 magnesium alloy 周志伟(),郑博(),郎海洋(),覃爱苗,欧俊 周志伟 欧俊 Surfaces and Interfaces 2020-06-23 SCI,二区
Enhanced luminescence intensity of Near-Infrared-Sensitized Upconversion Nanoparticles via Ca2+ doping for Nitric Oxide release platform 赵婧(),胡炎炳(),林少伟(),U. Resch-Genger(),张瑞,文剑(),孔翔飞,覃爱苗,欧俊 赵婧
Journal of Materials Chemistry B 2020-06-18 SCI,二区
Mechanical properties and thermal stability of 7055 Al alloy by minor Sc addition 刘崇宇,滕广标(),马宗义(),韦莉莉,周文标(),黄宏锋,亓海全 刘崇宇 刘崇宇,马宗义() RARE METALS 2020-06-05 SCI,二区
Hardness, quench sensitivity, and electrical conductivity of 7xxx Al alloys with high Zn concentrations 彭英浩(),刘崇宇,马宗义(),江鸿杰,黄宏锋 彭英浩 刘崇宇,马宗义() SCIENCE CHINA Technological Sciences 2020-06-02 SCI,二区
Origin of ultrahigh thermal stability on dielectric permittivity and dipole glass-like behavior of 0.4Ba0.8Ca0.2TiO3-0.6Bi(Mg0.5Ti0.5)O3 based ceramics 陈开远(),何霞凤(),刘佳(),李运华(),蓝振成(),雷秀云,方亮,彭彪林(),王大威(),刘来君 陈开远 王大威(),刘来君 Materials Research Bulletin 2020-05-28 SCI,二区
Fluorescence Anion Chemosensor Array Based on Pyrenylboronic Acid 曹振博,曹阳(),Riku Kubota(),Yui Sasaki(),Koichiro Asano(),Xiaojun Lyu(),Zhoujie Zhang(),Qi Zhou(),赵肖蕾(),徐旭,Si Wu(),Tsuyoshi Minami(),刘远立 曹振博 Tsuyoshi Minami(),刘远立 Frontiers in Chemistry 2020-05-28 SCI,二区
Effects of base metal state on microstructure and mechanical properties of Al–Mg–Si alloy friction stir welded joint 徐峥峥(),刘崇宇,张兵(),黄宏锋,程伟() 徐峥峥 刘崇宇,张兵() Journal of Manufacturing Processes 2020-05-13 SCI,二区
An efficient organic/inorganic phosphorus-nitrogen-silicon flame retardant towards low-flammability epoxy resin 罗海强(),饶文辉,赵鹏(),王亮(),刘远立,余传柏 罗海强 饶文辉 Polymer Degradation and Stability 2020-05-01 SCI,二区
Controllable Surface-initiated Metal-Free Atom Transfer Radical Polymerization of Methyl Methacrylate on Mesoporous SBA-15 徐翔(),何俊杰(),曾艳宁,余彩莉,张发爱 徐翔 张发爱 European polymer journal 2020-04-25 SCI,二区
Influence of Chromophoric Electron-Donating Groups on Photoinduced Solid-to-Liquid Transitions of Azopolymers 许建(),牛兵(),郭颂,赵霄蕾(),李晓丽(),彭锦雯,邓卫星,吴思(),刘远立 许建 邓卫星,吴思(),刘远立 Polymers 2020-04-13 SCI,二区
Removal of Cr(VI) from Aqueous Solution by Polypyrrole/Hollow Mesoporous Silica Particles 杜琳琳(),高朋(),刘远立,Tsuyoshi Minami(),余传柏 杜琳琳 刘远立,余传柏 Nanomaterials 2020-04-05 SCI,二区
New approach for improving anticorrosion and biocompatibility of magnesium alloys via polydopamine intermediate layer-induced hydroxyapatite coating 周志伟(),郑博(),顾远平(),沈翀(),文剑(),孟征兵,陈硕平,覃爱苗,欧俊 周志伟 欧俊 Surfaces and Interfaces 2020-02-19 SCI,二区
Forming-free Bipolar and Unipolar Resistive Switching Behaviors with Low Operating Voltage in Ag/Ti/CeO2/Pt Devices 王文清(),张宝林,赵鸿滨() 王文清 赵鸿滨() Results in Physics 2020-02-12 SCI,二区
A strategy for iron oxide nanoparticles to adhere to the neuronal membrane in the substantia nigra of mice 韩栋(),张宝林,从传刚(),荣翠萍(),谭洁(),杨如森() 韩栋 张宝林,谭洁(),杨如森() Journal of Materials Chemistry B 2020-01-28 SCI,二区
Electrochemical properties of pre-lithiated nanorod-like LixV6O13 lithium ion battery cathode materials prepared by solvothermal method 李圣宇(),邹正光,李优,张艳娇(),张欢欢() 李圣宇 邹正光 JOURNAL OF ELECTROANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY 2020-01-15 SCI,二区
Preparation of Polyaniline/Emulsion Microsphere Composite for Efficient Adsorption of Organic Dyes 刘远立,宋鎏烁(),杜琳琳(),高朋(),梁糯(),吴思(),Tsuyoshi Minami(),臧利敏,余传柏,徐旭 刘远立 余传柏,徐旭 polymers 2020-01-09 SCI,二区
A scalable strategy for carbon derived from complex six-membered ring-like tannin on glass fiber for 1D/2D flexible all solid state supercapacitors 胡磊(),臧利敏,杨军(),刘启凡(),乔轩(),邱建辉(),杨超,李慧豪() 胡磊 臧利敏,杨超 Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry 2020-01-01 SCI,二区
Title: Simultaneously achieved high energy-storage density and efficiency in BaTiO3-Bi(Ni2/3Ta1/3)O-3 lead-free relaxor ferroelectrics 董晓燕(),陈秀丽,陈红云(),孙聪聪(),史军鹏(),庞飞鸿(),周焕福 董晓燕 陈秀丽 JOURNAL OF MATERIALS SCIENCE-MATERIALS IN ELECTRONICS 2020-11-26 SCI,三区
Robust cellulose nanofibrils reinforced poly(methyl methacrylate)/polystyrene binary blend composites with pebbleshaped structure using Pickering emulsion gel 贺莹莹(),刘馨月(),齐晓俊(),管宇鹏(),李帅(),刘红霞,周立,韦春,余传柏 贺莹莹 刘红霞 POLYMERS FOR ADVANCED TECHNOLOGIES 2020-11-18 SCI,三区
Luminescent Sulfur Quantum Dots: Synthesis, Properties and Potential Applications 高鹏翔(),王冠(),周立 高鹏翔 周立 CHEMPHOTOCHEM 2020-11-15 SCI,三区
Effect of Al-Ti content on mechanical properties of in-situ synthesized PcBN composites 刘洋(),孙爱玲(),钟生林(),莫培程(),吴一 刘洋 吴一 Diamond & Related Materials https://doi.org/10.1016/j.diamond.2020.108068 2020-11-01 SCI,三区
Packing fraction, bond valence and crystal structure of AVO4 (A = Eu, Y) microwave dielectric ceramics with low permittivity 陈进武(),方亮,李洁,唐莹,程凯(),曹义杰() 陈进武 方亮,李洁 J Mater Sci: Mater Electron 2020-11-01 SCI,三区
Self-assembled activated carbon sandwiched graphene film for symmetrical supercapacitors 武圆圆(),朱连文(),陈汝婷(),谷俐(),曹雪波(),陆绍荣 武圆圆 陆绍荣 JOURNAL OF CENTRAL SOUTH UNIVERSITY 2020-10-25 SCI,三区
Enhanced electrochemical performance and high voltage window for supercapacitors based on fabric electrodes derived from tannin-Fe3+ complexes 胡磊(),臧利敏,左武升(),刘启凡(),杨超,梁春柳(),邱建辉() 胡磊 臧利敏,杨超 Synthetic Metals 2020-09-29 SCI,三区
Microwave dielectric properties of LiSmTa4O12 ceramics with A-site deficient perovskite structure 王康国(),周焕福,栾晓雯(),胡桑(),周贤杰(),邓吉积(),李诗轩() 王康国 周焕福 MATERIALS LETTERS 2020-09-18 SCI,三区
Structure, modification, and commercialization of high nickel ternary material (LiNi0.8Co0.1Mn0.1O2 and LiNi0.8Co0.15Al0.05O2) for lithium ion batteries 刘杰(),邹正光,张树超(),张欢欢() 刘杰 邹正光 Journal of Solid State Electrochemistry 2020-09-04 SCI,三区
Crystal structure and microwave dielectric properties of a novel rock-salt type Li3MgNbO5 ceramic 李洁,张志伟(),田云飞(),敖来远(),陈军奇(),杨爱宏(),苏聪学,刘来君,唐莹,方亮 李洁 李洁,杨爱宏() Journal of Materials Science 2020-08-27 SCI,三区
Visible-Light-Induced Hydrogenation of CC Bonds by Hydrazine over Ultrathin Layered Double Hydroxide Nanosheets 马晓东(),许艳旗,谭玲(),赵宇飞(),宋宇飞() 马晓东 赵宇飞(),宋宇飞() Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research 2020-07-17 SCI,三区
Structure and dielectric properties of novel series of 3CaO-RE2O3-2WO(3)(RE = La, Nd and Sm) microwave ceramics and the adjustment of tau(f)value 周贤杰(),周焕福,栾晓雯(),胡桑(),王康国(),王曦(),贺森(),周世成(),史军鹏(),陈秀丽 周贤杰 周焕福 JOURNAL OF MATERIALS SCIENCE-MATERIALS IN ELECTRONICS 2020-07-16 SCI,三区
Enhanced electromagnetic wave absorption properties of ionic liquid doped graphene 李裕琪,张秋(),谢熙(),徐旭,陆绍荣,黄孝华,阮红 李裕琪 黄孝华,阮红 JOURNAL OF MATERIALS SCIENCE-MATERIALS IN ELECTRONICS 2020-07-01 SCI,三区
The enhanced thermal transport properties of a heat spreader assembled using non-covalent functionalized graphene 任丽(),王梦杰(),韦周巧(),成竞祯(),刘括(),潘露露(),劳丽(),陆绍荣,虞锦洪() 任丽 陆绍荣,虞锦洪() NEW JOURNAL OF CHEMISTRY 2020-06-14 SCI,三区
Novel low-permittivity microwave dielectric ceramics in garnet-type Ca4ZrGe3O12 苏聪学,敖来远(),翟祎凡(),张志伟(),唐莹,陈军奇(),刘来君,方亮 苏聪学 苏聪学,唐莹,方亮 Materials Letters 2020-06-13 SCI,三区
Attachment of streptavidin modified superparamagnetic iron oxide nanoparticles to the PC-12 cell membrane 韩栋(),张宝林,苏礼超(),杨伯宁() 韩栋 张宝林 Biomedical Materials 2020-06-12 SCI,三区
近红外二区荧光纳米探针的制备及其在生物成像中的应用 彭锦雯,杜肖龙(),陈研(),孙鹏飞(),邓卫星,范曲立() 彭锦雯 孙鹏飞(),邓卫星 高分子学报 2020-06-05 SCI,三区
Investigation of RAFT polymerization in mesoporous SBA-15 with various monomers 曾艳宁,刘澍鑫(),许运清(),张发爱 曾艳宁 张发爱 Journal of Porous Materials 2020-05-24 SCI,三区
Construction and selective removal of Cd ion based on diatom-based Cd (II) ion-imprinted composite adsorbent 苗颖(),张航(),解庆林,陈南春,马丽丽 苗颖
Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects 2020-05-17 SCI,三区
MoO3 nanoplates: a high-capacity and long-life anode material for sodium-ion batteries 杨彩虹(),向乾坤(),李雪梅(),许艳旗,王昕(),谢襄漓,李存军,王海,王林江 杨彩虹 王海,王林江 JOURNAL OF MATERIALS SCIENCE 2020-05-14 SCI,三区
Novel series of MLa2WO7(M = Sr, Ba) microwave dielectric ceramic systems with monoclinic structures 周贤杰(),周焕福,吴强(),栾晓雯(),胡桑(),邓吉积(),李诗轩(),王康国(),陈秀丽 周贤杰 周焕福 JOURNAL OF MATERIALS SCIENCE-MATERIALS IN ELECTRONICS 2020-05-14 SCI,三区
Novel multi-element DOPO derivative toward low-flammability epoxy resin 罗海强(),饶文辉,刘远立,赵鹏(),王亮(),余传柏 罗海强 饶文辉,余传柏 Journal of applied polymer science 2020-04-24 SCI,三区
Ultrathin (Y0.98Re0.02)2(OH)5NO3nH2O (Re¼ Pr, Sm, Eu, Tb, Dy, Ho, Er,Tm) nanosheets and well-dispersed oxide nanoparticles: Facile co-precipitation synthesis and multi-color luminescent properties 任珂(),武晓鹂,张鹤(),李继光() 任珂 武晓鹂,李继光() Optical Materials 2020-04-15 SCI,三区
Synthesis of Ni3Se2 on nickel foam with different morphologies for high-performance supercapacitor electrode 吴丽婷(),薛永刚(),陈汉(),张开友,覃爱苗,陈硕平 吴丽婷 张开友 Journal of Materials Science-Materials In Electronics 2020-04-12 SCI,三区
Cane Molasses Graphene Quantum Dots Passivated by PEG Functionalization for Detection of Metal Ions 娄颖(),吉健颖(),覃爱苗,廖雷,李子院,陈硕平,张开友,欧俊 娄颖 覃爱苗,廖雷 ACS Omega 2020-03-31 SCI,三区
Highly Efficient Removal of Cr(VI) from Aqueous Solutions by Polypyrrole/Monodisperse Latex Spheres 杜琳琳(),高朋(),蒙义德(),刘远立,乐上旺,余传柏 杜琳琳 乐上旺,余传柏 ACS Omega 2020-03-20 SCI,三区
Preparation and adsorption properties of rosin-based bisphenol A molecularly imprinted microspheres 余彩莉,单建行(),陈勇(),邵金涛(),张发爱 余彩莉 张发爱 Materials Today Communications 2020-03-19 SCI,三区
Insight into the effects of reaction conditions on metal-free surface-initiated atom-transfer radical polymerization of methyl methacrylate from SBA-15 徐翔(),邹毓(),何俊杰(),曾艳宁,余彩莉,张发爱 徐翔 余彩莉,张发爱 Journal of Applied Physics 2020-03-17 SCI,三区
Phase composition, sintering behavior and mirowave dielectric properties of novel high Q Ca3Al2(GeO4)(3) ( )ceramic 周焕福,卢承铭(),李诗轩(),邓吉积(),王康国() 周焕福 周焕福 MATERIALS LETTERS 2020-03-15 SCI,三区
The origin of weak coupling between polar clusters in Ta2O5-doped 0.94Bi0.5Na0.5TiO3-0.06BaTiO3 何霞凤(),周硕(),袁志(),李运华(),蓝振成(),陈开远(),韩飞飞(),雷秀云,刘来君 何霞凤 刘来君 EPL 2020-03-02 SCI,三区
Effect of heat treatment on structure and properties of cathode materials for V2O5 lithiumion batteries 张艳娇(),邹正光,乐上旺,李圣宇(),刘杰() 张艳娇 邹正光 JOURNAL OF MATERIALS SCIENCE-MATERIALS IN ELECTRONICS 2020-03-01 SCI,三区
Flower-like Li0.36V6O13 with superior cycling stability as a cathode material for lithium-ion batteries 吕婷婷(),邹正光,李延伟,张树超() 吕婷婷 邹正光 IONICS 2020-03-01 SCI,三区
FrictionStir Welding of a Wrought AlSiMg Alloy in As-Fabricated and Heat-Treatment States 王春霞,崔洪波,唐鑫,何克准() 王春霞 王春霞,何克准() Materials 2020-02-14 SCI,三区
Degraded Hyaluronic Acid-Modified Magnetic Nanoparticles 聂婉(),张宝林,严宪佳(),苏礼超(),汪晟,韩贵华(),韩栋() 聂婉 张宝林 Journal of Nanomaterials 2020-02-11 SCI,三区
Controlled RAFT polymerization of MMA in confined space of various pore sizes of SAB-15 徐翔(),曾艳宁,余彩莉,张发爱 徐翔 张发爱 Journal of Porous Materials 2020-02-06 SCI,三区
Thermal stability of (K0.45Na0.45Li0.04La0.02)NbO3-Sr(Ni1/3Nb2/3)O-3 ceramics in a broad temperature range 陈秀丽,孙杰(),黎旭(),史军鹏(),孙聪聪(),庞飞鸿(),周焕福 陈秀丽 周焕福 JOURNAL OF MATERIALS SCIENCE-MATERIALS IN ELECTRONICS 2020-02-01 SCI,三区
Corrosion mechanism of T1phase in Al-Cu-Li alloy: First-principles calculations 孔敏(),吴静静,韩天茹(),唐鑫 孔敏 唐鑫 Acta Physica Sinica 2020-02-01 SCI,三区
Synthesis, crystal structure, photoluminescence properties of organic-inorganic hybrid materials based on ethylenediamine bromide 毛文慧(),王吉林,胡莘如(),周炳,郑国源,莫淑一,李宋波(),龙飞,邹正光 毛文慧 王吉林,龙飞 JOURNAL OF SAUDI CHEMICAL SOCIETY 2020-01-20 SCI,三区
Synthesis, phases, structures, and electrical properties of melilite-type La1+xSr1−xGa3S6O1+0.5x materials 周立佳(),耿仕鹏(),方雪(),徐军古 周立佳 徐军古 Ionics 2020-01-09 SCI,三区
Fabrication and characterization of PVA/CS-PCL/gel multi-scale electrospun scaffold: simulating extracellular matrix for enhanced cellular infiltration and proliferation 窦涌(),发信蒙(),顾远平(),梁丽华(),文剑(),覃爱苗,欧俊 窦涌 欧俊 Journal of Biomaterials Science, Polymer Edition 2020-01-08 SCI,三区
Synthesis, Characterization, and Applications of Polymer Nanocomposites Emad M. Masoud(),刘来君,彭彪林() Emad M. Masoud Emad M. Masoud(),刘来君,彭彪林() Journal of Nanomaterial 2020-01-06 SCI,三区
Effect of Ga doping on structure and properties of V2O5 lithium-ion batteries 张艳娇(),邹正光,刘杰(),张树超(),张欢欢() 张艳娇 邹正光 MATERIALS TECHNOLOGY 2020-12-05 SCI,四区
Effect of Grain Structure on the Mechanical Properties of Al-Zn-Mg-Sc Alloys with T6 State 侯远飞(),刘崇宇,张兵() 侯远飞 刘崇宇,张兵() JOURNAL OF MATERIALS ENGINEERING AND PERFORMANCE 2020-11-16 SCI,四区
Preparation of graphite phase carbon nitride (g-C3N4) micro-nano bouquet by thermal polymerization 马飞文(),吉钰纯,刘兵赛(),王吉林,周炳,郑国源,龙飞,邹正光 马飞文 王吉林 Mater. Res. Express 2020-11-06 SCI,四区
Utilization of Bayer Red Mud Derived from Bauxite for Belite-Ferroaluminate Cement Production 赵艳荣,陈平,王世峰(),冀亚雄(),汪远昊(),吴伯麟,刘荣进 赵艳荣 陈平,汪远昊() Journal of Renewable Materials 2020-11-01 SCI,四区
First-principles study of phase stability, elastic and thermodynamic properties of AlCrFeNi medium-entropy alloys 文志勤,邹正光,张树超(),赵宇宏() 文志勤 文志勤 International Journal of Modern Physics B 2020-10-10 SCI,四区
High-Temperature Dielectric and Relaxation Behavior of Tantalum-Doped Sodium Bismuth Titanate-Barium Titanate Ceramics 何霞凤(),韩飞飞(),刘敏(),袁志(),蒋心雨(),胡长征,任少凯(),雷秀云,刘来君 何霞凤 刘来君 Journal of Electronic Materials 2020-09-03 SCI,四区
Excellent Cyclic Stability of Pre-lithiated VO2(B) Nanorods as a Cathode Material for Lithium Ion Batteries 张树超(),邹正光,吕婷婷(),李圣宇(),张艳姣() 张树超 邹正光 International Journal of Electrochemical Science 2020-08-01 SCI,四区
Sintering Behavior and Microwave Dielectric Properties of Low-Permittivity SrMgSi(2)O(6)Ceramic 周贤杰(),周焕福,胡桑(),栾晓雯(),邓吉积(),卢承铭(),李诗轩(),王康国(),陈秀丽 周贤杰 周焕福 JOURNAL OF ELECTRONIC MATERIALS 2020-07-11 SCI,四区
Optimization of pore structure of a clayey diatomite 陈福(),苗颖(),马丽丽,詹锋(),王文辉(),陈南春,解庆林 陈福 陈南春 Particulate Science and Technology 2020-06-27 SCI,四区
In Situ Synthesis of Polycrystalline Cubic Boron Nitride Reinforced by Different Morphologic TiB2 钟生林(),陈川(),李之凯(),刘洋(),刘兵赛(),吴一 钟生林 吴一 Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance 2020-06-01 SCI,四区
Facile fabrication of multifunctional superoleophobic and antifouling metal mesh by dip-coating polyanion for efficient oil/water mixtures as well as emulsions separation 杨超,杨军(),宋鸽(),臧利敏,刘启凡(),邱建辉(),杨雪(),王纯() 杨超 臧利敏,杨雪() Desalination and Water Treatment 2020-06-01 SCI,四区
2D Hybrid Nanostructures of MoSe2Sisal Fiber Activated Carbon for Enhanced Li Storage Performance 魏立学(),郑爽(),覃爱苗,廖雷,陈硕平,张开友 魏立学 覃爱苗,廖雷 Materials Express 2020-06-01 SCI,四区
Effects of Sn Doping and A-Site Deficiency on the Phases and Electrical Conductivities of the High-Temperature Proton Conductor LaNbO4 吕云(),耿仕鹏(),魏天杰(),刘俊伟(),许翔宇(),易怀波(),徐军古 吕云 徐军古 Physica Status Solidi B 2020-05-19 SCI,四区
Effect of titanium content on microstructure and mechanical properties of PcBN synthesized in cBNSi3N4- Ti system 陈川(),莫培程(),王鹏(),吴一,钟生林(),李之凯() 陈川 吴一 Materialwiss. Werkstofftech 2020-05-01 SCI,四区
Study on the Effect of Vacancy Doping on the Magnetocaloric Effect of La0.65−xCa0.35MnO3 (0≤x≤0.15) 何青青(),邹正光,毛政() 何青青 邹正光 JOURNAL OF SUPERCONDUCTIVITY AND NOVEL MAGNETISM 2020-04-01 SCI,四区
Rare Earth Ion Yb3+ Doping of Bi2WO6 with Excellent Visible-light Photocatalytic Activity 何金云,余奇(),周云鹏(),王燕舞,龙飞 何金云 王燕舞,龙飞 Journal of Wuhan University of Technology-Mater. Sci. Ed. 2020-04-01 SCI,四区
Transferrin-Conjugated Superparamagnetic Iron Oxide Nanoparticles as In Vivo Magnetic Resonance Imaging Contrast Agents 王军(),张宝林,杨高(),苏礼超(),王磊(),郜发宝() 王军 张宝林,郜发宝() Journal of nanoscience and nanotechnology 2020-04-01 SCI,四区
Tunable phase transition in (Bi0.5Na0.5)0.94Ba0.06TiO3 by B-site cations 刘文豪(),马欣(),任少凯(),雷秀云,刘来君 刘文豪 雷秀云,刘来君 Applied Physics A 2020-03-13 SCI,四区
Microwave Dielectric Properties of Low-Temperature Co-fired Mg2Al4Si5O18-BaCu(B2O5) Ceramics 邓积极(),周焕福,李诗轩(),卢承铭(),王康国(),孙文东() 邓积极 周焕福 JOURNAL OF ELECTRONIC MATERIALS 2020-02-15 SCI,四区
Achieving ultrahigh energy storage density and energy efficiency simultaneously in barium titanate based ceramics 陈秀丽,黎旭(),孙杰(),孙聪聪(),史军鹏(),庞飞鸿(),周焕福 陈秀丽 陈秀丽 APPLIED PHYSICS A-MATERIALS SCIENCE & PROCESSING 2020-02-01 SCI,四区
Improving the tribological and mechanical properties of polyimide composites by incorporating functionalized graphene 李裕琪,张秋(),阮红,李丰安(),徐旭,黄孝华,陆绍荣 李裕琪 阮红,陆绍荣 HIGH PERFORMANCE POLYMERS 2020-02-01 SCI,四区
Mechanical and thermal properties of hyperbranched poly(epsilon-caprolactone) modified graphene/epoxy composites 侯凌然(),高建(),阮红,徐旭,陆绍荣 侯凌然 阮红,徐旭,陆绍荣 JOURNAL OF POLYMER RESEARCH 2020-01-11 SCI,四区
粉末冶金法制备CNTSiC混杂增强 铝基复合材料的摩擦磨损性能 张军(),刘崇宇 张军 刘崇宇 材料工程 2020-12-07 EI核心
Shift−Twin Option in Eight-Layer Hexagonal Perovskite Niobates Ba8MNb6O24 尹从岭,陶凤琼(),赵磊(),王晓明(),明星,梁超平(),匡小军 尹从岭 匡小军 Inorganic Chemistry 2020-11-04 EI核心
提高锂电极稳定性的方法及其在锂氧电池中的应用 罗志虹,冀晨皓(),朱广彬(),李富杰(),周立,罗鲲 罗志虹 罗鲲 材料导报 2020-10-10 EI核心
环形零件短流程铸辗复合成形技术研究进展 秦芳诚,齐会萍(),李永堂(),武永红(),亓海全,刘崇宇 秦芳诚 齐会萍() 材料导报 2020-10-10 EI核心
含微量铒元素 Al-5.5Mg-1Zn 焊丝焊接 7075 铝合金 TIG 焊缝的组织和性能 何柔月(),黄启波(),崔洪波,唐鑫 何柔月 唐鑫 材料导报 2020-09-18 EI核心
Pickering乳液技术制备纤维素纳米纤丝-还原氧化石墨烯/聚甲基丙烯酸甲酯电磁屏蔽复合材料 刘红霞,管宇鹏(),齐晓俊(),李帅(),贺莹莹() 刘红霞 刘红霞 复合材料学报 2020-08-01 EI核心
Effect of tool rotation speed on the microstructure and mechanical properties of Al-12.7%Si alloy by friction stir processing 王春霞,常赛(),孙刚臣,张泽庆() 王春霞 王春霞 Materials Science Forum 2020-07-10 EI核心
离心铸造Q235B 钢环件热辗扩过程中的组织演变 秦芳诚,齐会萍(),李永堂(),亓海全 秦芳诚 齐会萍(外) 材料导报 2020-06-15 EI核心
(壳聚糖-聚磷酸铵)/剑麻纤维素微晶层层自组装复合材料的热性能和阻燃性能 黄孝华,牛红超(),刘婵娟,韦春 黄孝华 刘婵娟 复合材料学报 2020-02-01 EI核心
硅藻基As(V)表面印迹材料的制备与表征 梁效铭(),钟溢健,马丽丽,李聪(),陈南春,解庆林 梁效铭 陈南春 材料工程 2020-01-21 EI核心
/氮共掺杂石墨烯的制备及氧还原催化活性 朱广彬(),边志成(),何雨林(),李前进(),郭路路(),罗志虹,罗鲲 朱广彬 罗志虹 材料导报 2020-01-09 EI核心


